Stati Case: Justice Ministry Couldn't Answer How Much Was Returned


In mid-December, Kazakhstan's Ministry of Justice announced that the country had officially resolved its legal dispute with Moldovan businessmen Anatolie and Gabriel Stati.

State assets previously seized under international arbitration rulings were returned.

Orda sent inquiries to both the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Finance.

However, both responses ultimately came from the Ministry of Justice, which had taken full responsibility for managing the lengthy dispute.

The Ministry of Justice stated it could not disclose how much money Kazakhstan had "recovered" due to the settlement with the Statis. Key details of the agreement remain confidential.

The settlement agreement includes a confidentiality clause, and violating it could result in new disputes and harm the interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan. No funds from the republican budget or the National Fund were used in the settlement. While the agreement is not classified as a state secret, its provisions cannot be disclosed due to the confidentiality clause, the Ministry explained.

The agreement places no new obligations on Kazakhstan. It entails a full mutual waiver of claims and resolving all disputes between the parties.

The frozen funds from the National Fund have been returned to the country, and efforts are underway to address other assets. However, the Ministry of Justice could not specify the total amount involved.

On December 20, the National Bank announced that the frozen National Fund assets, previously blocked in Sweden, had been fully recovered following the settlement with the Statis.

This seemingly includes the final portion of the $22 billion frozen by the Stockholm Arbitration Court's 2013 ruling. National Bank Governor Timur Suleimenov later clarified that this sum amounted to approximately $80 million.

Original Author: Nikita Drobny

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