Ministry of Justice Explained Why Petition against Domestic Violence Has No Legal Force

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The petition against domestic violence signed by 150,000 Kazakhstanis has no legal force. Ministry of Justice, Azamat Yeskaraev, explained why the authorities are unable to consider it, reports .

According to Yeskaraev, the Internet platform on which the petition is posted is not prescribed in the law.

Now citizens are actively signing an old petition, it has gained 150,000 signatures (on criminalization of domestic violence — ed.). But it is not valid since this platform is not prescribed in the law. It operates, and a new online platform is being developed on its basis, where you need to create an appropriate petition and send it.

He stressed that such an approach is legally justified.

The law has been adopted, the relevant work of the authorized body is underway to develop the platform. If the public deems it appropriate to raise this issue again and vote, we will be obliged to consider it in accordance with the law, the minister concluded.

Information Minister Aida Balaeva later stated that the 150,000 votes would still be considered

A special platform for submitting online petitions will be launched in April 2024. According to the Law on Public Control, the described procedures will indeed not be applied to this petition. However, any voice is very important for the state, and we listen to the opinion of the public,Aida Balaeva wrote on Facebook

The Minister went on to say that experts, who initiated the petition, are also involved. 

I repeat once again: the petition will be taken into account when government agencies work in the field of combating domestic violence. And we are in constant contact with a number of experts who initiated this petition and take their opinions into account, the minister concluded.

At the end of last year, the Ministry of Information announced that the E-Petition platform would be created. Now Kazakhstanis currently use third-party platforms.

Original Author: Orda

DISCLAIMER: This is a translated piece. The text has been modified, the content is the same. Please refer to the original piece in Russian for accuracy. The article has been updated to reflect information as of 07/12/23.