Kazakhstan Plans to Criminalize Stalking with New Law

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Kazakhstan plans to introduce criminal liability for stalking, reports an Orda.kz correspondent.

In the corridors of the Majilis, deputy Abzal Kuspan announced that the working group had already approved this provision. The bill is now planned to be submitted for a second reading in the chamber soon.

A provision has been added to the bill on optimization of the Criminal, Criminal Enforcement, and Criminal Procedure Codes. This is a special article - stalking, as a criminal misdemeanor, Kuspan explained.

The deputy specified that it would involve a fine.

We're not planning to prosecute everyone indiscriminately. It's difficult to talk (about the fine amount - ed. note), as changes could be made during the plenary session - either increasing or decreasing it, said the Majilis member.

The deputy was also asked why stalking wasn't classified as a criminal offense with more serious sanctions.

In response, Kuspan stated that "such decisions cannot be made hastily":

New provisions in the Criminal Code should be introduced very carefully. We need to look at law enforcement, investigative, and judicial practice. And based on the results of study and analysis, in principle, we can consider moving toward stricter sanctions. After all, these are people's lives we're dealing with.

If the bill is passed, Kazakhstan will become one of the countries where stalking is classified as a criminal offense.

Original Author: Dilnaz Mamyrova

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