Engaged in Theft and Collects "Tribute": Demands Made to Hold ANPZ Head, Galymzhan Zhusanbayev, Accountable, Later Dismissed

cover Photo: KazTag.kz

Atyrau Refinery workers launched a petition demanding the resignation of the enterprise's head, Galymzhan Zhusanbayev. Zhusanbayev has claimed sabotage. Meanwhile, he also says KazMunayGas forbade him to comment on the situation. Orda looked into the matter.

The petition against the director of the company was launched on February 16. Yesterday, it had been signed by 139 people. Zhusanbayev's subordinates consider him unfit to hold such serious positions in strategically important facilities of the country.

We ask you to sign this petition and assist in the dismissal of G.O. Zhusanbayev from the post of General Director of Atyrau Oil Refinery LLP and hold him accountable. By not being indifferent and taking this step today, we will preserve the well-being of the strategic facility, avoid technological disaster, loss of life, and shortage of petroleum products, preserve the sovereignty and independence of our country, the document says.

People claim that Zhusanbayev fired all competent and devoted employees who did not agree with his policies. The authors of the petition claim that Zhusanbayev is engaged in metal theft, siphoning off petroleum products, and plans to collect "tribute" from all contractors. He reportedly also does not sign contracts for food and transportation of plant employees.

In addition, he initiated the loading of petroleum products (five billion liters) into the Aq Jaiyq station, located within the city, which can harm the ecology and well-being of the city, the petition says.

The petition demands Zhusanbayev be held accountable under three articles:

  • Intentional infliction of harm to health (Article 104 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
  • Arbitrariness (Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
  • Appropriation or embezzlement of someone else's entrusted property (Article 176 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
Galymzhan Zhusanbayev often uses alcohol and drugs during working hours on the territory of the plant. He humiliates and intimidates employees and threatens to beat them, constantly uses obscene language. Totally incompetent. He has no knowledge and skills in oil refining, technology, or knowledge of the elementary grammar basics of the Kazakh and Russian languages. 

Galymzhan Zhusanbayev was appointed CEO of ANPZ LLP on January 10, 2024. His predecessor Murat Dosmuratov was dismissed prematurely.

Director of ANPZ: "President, I Ask for Support!”

Responding to his subordinates’ accusations, Galymzhan Zhusanbayev recorded a video message to President Qasym-Jomart Toqayev, asking for assistance in investigating to "stop the lawlessness at the plant."

Recently, a ruthless campaign has been launched on social networks and the media against my work at the strategic facility in the country. No more than a month has passed since my appointment to the position of General Director of Atyrau Oil Refinery LLP, he says.

Zhusanbayev claims to have initiated several innovations in a short time. For example, planning an alternative route for transporting petroleum products at the Aq Jayiq station, and creating a working group to analyze the high level of losses during refining to determine the causes and ways to reduce losses. He also purportedly brought in independent consultants to assess the financial and economic activities of the plant.

As a result of the analysis, it was found that there is a fact of the purchase of goods, works and services at inflated prices from a group of affiliated companies for the period from 2020 to 2023 in the amount exceeding 150 billion tenge. These purchases were carried out with numerous violations. There are also violations of environmental legislation, expressed in excess storage of coke and granular sulfur. There was also a lack of control in terms of accounting for production losses, which leads to an overestimation of loss indicators, the former director of the refinery said.

He claims that the detection of these violations led to the dissatisfaction of the guilty officials and those interested in receiving unjustified excess profits from commercial structures.

These individuals have launched an information campaign against me to discredit my honest name and hide the facts about their unscrupulous activities. Dear Qasym-Jomart Kemelevich, I have to turn to you for help, as the management of the parent company KazMunayGas forbade me to express my position in the media,  Zhusanbayev notes.

Zhusanbayev had requested the president to provide support and assistance in initiating an objective and independent investigation and to take measures against individual plant employees, "disrupting the implementation of production plans and destabilizing the normal work of the team."

RMB: KazMunayGas sent a commission to investigate the situation.
The specialists who are part of it carefully study the information about the company published earlier on social networks. A detailed investigation of the activities of the ANPZ from the production, financial and legal side will be carried out. KMG is ready to openly discuss all the issues with the plant's employees,KMG stressed. 

The Commission of JSC NC KazMunayGas later  decided to dismiss Galymzhan Zhusanbayev along with Adilet Shoshanbasov, Deputy General Director and chief Engineer.

As reported in the press service of KazMunayGas on February 19, his deputy, technical director of the plant, Oleg Lyzlov, will temporarily act as general director.

The plant continues to produce and ship petroleum products as per usual, the press service stressed.

Original Authors: Daniel ArturovNikita Drobny

DISCLAIMER: This is a translated piece. The text has been modified, the content is the same. Please refer to the original piece in Russian for accuracy.