Emergency Services Reform Bill Passes First Reading, Expanding Fire Safety Powers and Staff Benefits

cover Photo: RK MoES Press Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

The Majilis approved a draft amendment on civil protection issues in the first reading. It expands the authority of emergency services personnel and improves their social conditions, reports Orda.kz.

Presenting the bill at the plenary session, Emergency Situations Minister Chingis Arinov noted that the amendments strengthen specific requirements for fire and industrial safety, civil defense, and seismic security.

In particular, firefighters can now inspect crowded public venues (such as stadiums, restaurants, clubs, etc.) during the construction phase.

Additionally, Kazakhstan will implement an insurance system for such facilities.

In recent years, there have been increasing cases of construction of crowded public venues and high-rise buildings without complying with fire safety standards. This can lead to fires and civilian casualties. The amendments give the Ministry of Emergency Situations the authority to issue compliance certificates for crowded public venues and buildings taller than 28 meters regarding fire safety requirements before their commissioning. We are also introducing a requirement for approval of special technical conditions for unique newly designed facilities, similar to Khan Shatyr and EXPO, said Chingis Arinov.

The bill also stipulates that operational headquarters will be created to coordinate the work of central and local authorities in emergency response and recovery.

One of the key provisions of the new law aims to improve social benefits for Kazakhstanis working in emergency departments.

The amendments provide for hazard pay for work in dangerous conditions during emergencies, armed conflicts, and martial law. Emergency service employees will receive relocation allowances and moving expense compensation if they relocate to another city.

The amendments also establish specific requirements for organizations providing fire protection system installation services, including requirements for employee qualifications and necessary equipment.

The Ministry's industrial safety powers will also expand. The Ministry will approve consolidated plans for upgrading and technical re-equipment of hazardous industrial facilities.

The bill introduces the concept of a "marine oil spill response organization."

Amendments are also provided in tourist safety, seismological services, seismic, mudflow and avalanche safety, civil defense, and others.

Original Author: Anastasia Prilepskaya

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