"Dust and Noise All Day Long." How Villagers Live Near Construction Quarries


Kargaly Residents have contacted Orda.kz about the construction quarries, crushed stone, asphalt, and concrete plants operating in their village. The constant rumble, noise, and dust make people's lives unbearable and cause various illnesses. The quarries' boundaries are now in close proximity to their houses. An Orda.kz correspondent investigated the situation. 

 Residents of the village of Kargaly / photo Orda.kz

As residents said, this problem has existed for many years and is getting worse yearly as the quarries operate day and night and constantly expand. The number of enterprises processing this raw material is increasing every year. 

 One of the crushed stone factories in the village of Kargaly / photo Orda.kz

Those who live on Jurunov Street, right next to the quarries, get the brunt of it all. 

 photo Orda.kz

In Soviet times, there was only one crushed stone plant in these areas, but now there are at least six. People fear that their houses and plots of land may slide into the quarry.

 Even if the operations were stopped, the quarries would continue crumbling over time. 

 photo Orda.kz

Local activists claim to have conducted an investigation. Supposedly, raw materials are now being mined at an impermissible depth. 

 Photo Orda.kz

The proximity to such huge unfenced pits is dangerous for children and animals, say Kargaly residents. 

 photo Orda.kz

The villagers have reached out to the Akim and other authorities, yet no one has helped them. They, therefore, decided to contact journalists.

 photo Orda.kz

Quarry work is being carried out in a water protection zone, which directly violates the Republic of Kazakhstan's legislation. In Soviet times, there was one quarry, much smaller and far from the river. It has grown so much that the river flows right through it, and the water protection inspectorate could care less.

 Photo Orda.kz

 Kargaly residents say everything is run by OMIR UZAK XXI CENTURY LLP.

Screenshot from an open database

While meeting with residents, an Orda.kz correspondent was told that the situation here is not so clear-cut and that not only the quarry owner is to blame. It is also alleged that local officials once gave away or sold plots for individual housing construction in the sanitary protection zone of construction quarries. 

Residents were not particularly worried about such a neighborhood until it became problematic. Therefore, local authorities try to avoid these quarrels. 

 Photo Orda.kz

It is also possible that the residents of Jurunov Street's claims are legally unfounded since they settled in the sanitary protection zone.

Work in the water protection zone is still a violation that must be registered and remedied immediately. As a local activist noted, the river can spill over, becoming an environmental disaster. 

 Kargaly village / photo Orda.kz

Original Author: Danil Utyupin

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