A Restless Night in Kulsary

cover Orda

People continued to express their dissatisfaction in the flooded Kulsary last night. Residents have demanded a meeting with the president and compensation for their homes and property, an Orda correspondent reports.

Residents demand 400 thousand tenge per square meter of a flooded house. They have stated that such an amount would cover the construction materials, payment for workers, and the construction of a cattle yard and a summer barn.

We are tired of living in someone's house, in the same room. Exhausted, we don't know what to do. Because of you, the officials, we have been left without a roof over our heads, now let them give us housing,
residents demand.

The Atyrau region's deputy Akim, Zhasulan Bisembiyev, chief of the Atyrau region Akim's staff, Nurlybek Zhenisbekuly, chairperson of the regional Maslikhat, Musa Khairulliyev, and an imam met with those gathered. 

If the house is recognized as in disrepair, we will build you a new house or buy the house you choose. We analyzed all the information and came to the conclusion that more than 500 houses are in disrepair, says Zhasulan Bisembiyev. 

He stated that about 120 people out of 500 want new houses due to their inability to build them. These are elderly people. The deputy Akim promised that the construction of houses would begin this week.

There are also people who planned to move from Kulsary to Atyrau. They want to buy a house in the regional center. This is about 100-150 people. There are still those who disagree with either the purchase or the construction, said the regional deputy Akim.

The chairman of the regional Maslikhat, Musa Khairulliyev, upset those gathered:

I have been in Kulsary for a month now. I should say right away that we will not pay 400 thousand tenge per square meter, Musa Khairulliyev said. 

The residents then demanded someone else resolve the 400 thousand tenge payment issue, stating they would not leave.

You haven't done anything in a month, the residents exclaimed.

Those gathered have expressed interest in how houses are evaluated along with the amounts of the highest and lowest compensation. However, none of the officials provided an answer.

Residents have also claimed that some had built houses but did not have time to obtain the necessary documents. In the meantime, they had been living in temporary housing.

The commission, meanwhile, evaluated the temporary housing, causing discontent and disappointment among those who had gathered. The commission has also valued all equipment and furniture at only 600 thousand tenge with which Kulsary residents disagree.

Orda.kz previously reported that tension among the population had been on the rise in Kulsary.

Original Author: Daniel Arturov

DISCLAIMER: This is a translated piece. The text has been modified, the content is the same. Please refer to the original piece in Russian for accuracy,