Ulytau Region: School to Be Built with Returned Money

cover Illustration: Primeminister.kz

In Kazakhstan, they continue to build significant facilities using money returned to the state from illegally acquired assets, Orda.kz reports.

One project is a school in the Ulytau region.

The government has decided to allocate more than 1.2 billion tenge for the construction of a school for 80 students at the Manadyr station in the Janaarka district of the Ulytau region, The Cabinet of Ministers' press service reported.

There is only one school in this area, which was built in 1981. It is overcrowded, with a design capacity of 60 places, and 123 students study there. 

The educational institution does not have lab rooms, a gym, a workshop, and other necessary premises.

Original Author: Zhadra Zhulmukhametova