Toqayev Awarded The Dostyk Order to the Author of Book about Alikhan Bukeikhanov

cover Source: Author's archive

The order and a letter of thanks from the President of Kazakhstan, Qasym-Jomart Toqayev, were received by a Russian scholar for his book about one of the leaders of the Alash party, Alikhan Bukeikhanov.

The presentation of the book "Alikhan Bukeikhanov: A Man - An Era" was held on October 27 in Moscow at the Embassy of Kazakhstan.

The author Viktor Kozodoy used sources, materials and facts, including those not previously used in his work, i.e. archival documents, memoirs, memoirs, publications in newspapers and magazines.

“In addition to the Dostyk Order, today they also presented a personal letter of thanks from the President of Kazakhstan, Mr. Q-Zh Toqayev, which says that he “read your book with great interest.” Now I have all documented grounds to say that my books are read not only by history buffs and scientists, but also by the Heads of sovereign, independent states,”

Professor Kozodoy.

Original Author: Victoria Ilyina