Political Scientists Shared Opinions on Kanat Bozumbayev’s Appointment as President’s Adviser

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The former Almaty region’s akim and Minister of Energy, Kanat Bozumbayev, received the post of adviser to the head of state. Orda.kz spoke with experts to find out about the possible reasons for this.

The decree on the reorganization of the structure of the Presidential Administration, involving the renewal of old posts and the emergence of new ones, was signed by The Head of State on September 1.

Kanat Bozumbayev received one of them. He had previously been an assistant to the president and was an akim of three regions. More than a year has passed from his departure from his last position.

After June 2022, when Bozumbayev was relieved of his post "in connection with the transition to another job," he practically disappeared from the political field.

At the same time, it is worth recalling that his appointment to the post of the Almaty region’s akim coincided with the final decision on a nuclear power plant’s construction site.

Political scientists and analysts at that time speculated that these decisions were probably related, as Bozumbayev has extensive management experience, including in the field of energy.

Experts’ Comments

Political analyst Gaziz Abishev believes that Bozumbayev has simply returned to the political field after a pause.

He has good experience in the quasi-public sector, regions and government. Here, failure teaches success. And the government now has a shortage of experienced managers in the field of economics. There are too many factors that cut off one or the other. Therefore, Bozumbayev will be useful in the position of an adviser. This is not a very authoritative position, the economy is entirely on the Cabinet, from here he will keep an eye on the government and inform the president about what is happening, the expert believes.

Another political scientist, Eduard Poletaev, says it's too early to comment on the situation:

Everything will become much clearer when it becomes clear how the reformed structure of the Presidential Administration works.

As political scientist Daniyar Ashimbayev wrote in his Telegram channel:

54-year-old Kanat Bozumbayev has returned from almost a year of "vacation".

In his post, the expert gives writes briefly on the advisier's career path. 

In the late 90s, Bozumbayev held positions in the oil industry (Vice President of KazTransOil JSC, Director of the Oil and Gas Department, Vice Minister of Energy), then (he - Ed.) transitioned to the energy sector – head of KEGOC. In August 2007, he became the head of Samruk, but when Samruk-Kazyna was created, he was sent back to KEGOC. At the end of 2009 he became akim of Jambyl region, and in December 2013 – the Pavlodar region. In March 2016, he became the head of the Ministry of Energy.

According to the expert, with the beginning of the transit of power, as a person close to the president, Bozumbayev was expected in various high positions – Almaty's Akim, head of the Presidential Administration, deputy Prime Minister, chief of Samruk. And in December 2019, he was transferred to the assistant to the President for the development of the real sector of the economy.

In the same capacity, Bozumbayev joined the Board of Directors of the Samruk-Kazyna Fund, the Oil and Gas Council and the Council for Mining and Metallurgical Industry, Geology and Subsoil Use of Solid Minerals under the President.

At the end of 2021, Toqayev appointed him Akim of the Almaty region instead of veteran Amandyk Batalov, but Bozumbayev led the region for a very short time: in June 2022, he was dismissed from office and went into the shadows, appearing in public only in connection with the opening of a rural school built at the expense of his family. The reasons for the resignation were different, but now the disgrace is over and Bozumbayev has reappeared in the Presidential Administration,  Ashimbayev writes.

After the 2022 January Events, Bozumbayev was a witness in the case against General Serik Kudebayev and spoke in court. At his request, the media was removed from the hearing and Bozumbayev's questioning was held behind closed doors. No one has received access to the classified information. The former akim’s statements are not publicly available.

Original Author: Yuri Nizhnygorodskyy

DISCLAIMER: This is a translated piece. The text has been modified, the content is the same. Please refer to the original piece in Russian for accuracy.