Child Receives Psychological Support: Committee for the Protection of Children's Rights Commented on "Jinn Exorcism"

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Kazakhstan's Committee for the Protection of Children's Rights of the Ministry of Education has intervened in the situation, reports.

Earlier, a video appeared on social networks, where the self-proclaimed "healer" Keikuat Ospanov "exorcises a jinn" from a nine-year-old girl.

A jinn comes from Arabian and Muslim mythology. According to legend, it is an intelligent spirit of lower rank that can appear in human and animal forms and possess humans.

The incident sparked a public backlash. 

Political scientist Gaziz Abishev and the Children's Ombudsman Dinara Zakiyeva spoke out on this matter. The Committee for the Protection of Children's Rights of the Ministry of Education also weighed in.

The incident in the Atyrau region is highly unacceptable and causes deep concern. The Committee for the Protection of Children's Rights of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan has already taken control of the situation. The child is now receiving all the necessary assistance, including professional psychological support, to minimize the consequences of the incident. The regional Children's Ombudsman is working on the scene, the department reported.

The committee emphasizes that any actions that threaten the health and well-being of the child are unacceptable.

Original Author: Oksana Matvienko