Why Did Kazakhstan Ban The Import of Russian Jet Fuel?


On the morning of June 14, Kazakhstan's media, with reference to the Russian press, reported that the National Railway Operator, JSC NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy, imposed a one–month convention ban on the transportation of kerosene and jet fuel from all stations of Russian Railways (RZD). However, everything turned out to be unclear. An Orda correspondent of Orda.kz looked into the matter.

Russian website rbc.ru posted a fax message with the Directorate of the Council for Railway Transport of the CIS member States (CSWT). It says that the ban will last from June 14 to July 14. The media also noted that it was introduced at the request of KTZ.

screenshot of the fax

However, the original document signed by Minister Almasadam Satkaeliev was sent on June 8 from the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the note "very urgent". Details had already been reported in this message.

"Due to the oversupply of jet fuel imports from the Russian Federation and the lack of requests for shipment from airlines and airports, there is a risk of overstocking of refinery tanks, as a result of which a forced reduction in the processing of raw materials at three refineries is possible,"

reads the text from the document.

That is why, from June 8, 2023, the Ministry asked to introduce a convention ban on the import of jet fuel from the Russian Federation until the situation in the domestic market of the Republic of Kazakhstan stabilizes.

KTZ, at the request of Russian Railways, previously suspended the supply of petroleum products to the Taman seaport. The delivery of petroleum products for Tamanneftegaz was stopped on May 8 until further notice. The situation is connected to a tank catching fire recently. It held a volume of 20 thousand cubic meters.

Original Author: Alexander Smolin

DISCLAIMER: This is a translated piece. The text has been modified, the context is the same. Please refer to the original piece in Russian for accuracy.