Emergency Minister Names Top 5 Regions at Risk of Spring Flooding

cover Photo: MoE RK

Emergency Situations Minister Chingis Arinov announced the list at a briefing in the Majilis, reports Orda.

Responding to a question from an Orda.kz journalist Chingis Arinov named five regions with the highest number of settlements potentially at risk of flooding.

If we look at the statistics, the West Kazakhstan Region has the most settlements at risk, followed by Qaraganda Region, Aqmola Region, North Kazakhstan Region, and East Kazakhstan Region. That's if we're taking the top 5 by settlements,  said Arinov.

A total of 223 settlements fall within the flooding zone. The Minister assures that flooding might not occur, noting these are "risk zones."

We're stating that such threats exist and we're conducting certain work, said Arinov.

Original Author: Igor Ulitin

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