Forged Documents Stall School and Hospital Construction in Jambyl Region

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Jambyl region residents have been waiting for much-needed schools and clinics for two years.

The delay stems from contractors who were found using forged documents. They are appealing their case to the Supreme Court, reports.

In the spring, the Ministry of Finance's program, designed to select winners based on work experience and financial stability, was compromised in Taraz.

Taimas Construction Company LLP and Sindikat Group LLP won tenders for significant repairs and construction of schools and medical institutions in the Jambyl region by submitting falsified documents.

A total of 11 falsified declarations tied to the case.

Even the construction permits issued by the State Architectural and Construction Supervision Authority were counterfeit—the permit numbers listed in six documents were wholly fabricated. This was confirmed through the E-licensing portal and official government inquiries.

Once the fraud was exposed, the courts unanimously declared the documents invalid and annulled the procurement results.

As public procurement specialist Auletkhan Bokeikhanov notes, instead of admitting guilt and leaving the market, the fraudulent companies have flooded the Supreme Court with cassation appeals to delay the inevitable, halting construction.

Another absurdity is that all the objects on the basis of which these contractors received tenders have already been removed from the public procurement system. Six months ago, the authorities blocked and erased all related data, meaning there’s nothing left to dispute in court — it simply doesn’t exist anymore. Yet, the contractors persist in dragging out the legal process, ignoring the obvious. They’ve missed deadlines for restoring their falsified documents, but they still stubbornly challenge something that no longer exists,  says Bokeikhanov.

By law, as long as a case is under cassation appeal, previous court decisions do not take effect.

The Supreme Court can take up to six months to review such cases.

Jambyl region residents will thereby be waiting nearly 700 days for new schools and hospitals.

Original Author: Sandugash Duysenova

(Original court documents available via link)

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