CSTO Secretary General Tasmagambetov Spoke About Meeting in Almaty

cover  Photo: Cronos.Asia

The Secretary General of the organization, Imangali Tasmagambetov, spoke about the meeting of the Committee of Secretaries of Security Councils of the Collective Security Treaty Organization in Almaty. They adopted the CSTO Targeted Interstate Program on the Tajik-Afghan border, which had been discussed for over 10 years, reports Orda.kz.

Imangali Tasmagambetov has spoken with Cronos.Asia Analytical Center. Tasmagambetov said that the negotiations took place without Armenian participation. Imangali Tasmagambetov called the discussion on the “Targeted CSTO Interstate Program to Strengthen The Tajik-Afghan Border” a “difficult matter.” 

The matter of the CSTO Targeted Interstate Program, initiated in 2013 and not implemented for 10-11 years for objective reasons, was difficult. But, despite the general geopolitical situation that has developed in the area of ​​responsibility of our Organization, we were able to make a decision both at the Council of Defense Ministers and with the secretaries of the security councils. And the Collective Security Council finally signed this program, said Imangali Tasmagambetov.

Meanwhile, he also touched base on the absence of Armenian representatives. Tasmagambetov stated that the absence did not prevent reaching the consensus necessary to make a decision on the target program. The CSTO Secretary General said Armenia had agreed to adopt the target program, thereby supporting it, and a consensus was reached. 

Cronos.Asia reports that at the meeting of the Council of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly in Almaty on June 3, Secretary General Imangali Tasmagambetov emphasized that the Republic of Armenia remains a full-fledged CSTO member despite significantly reducing its participation in the organization’s events over the past year.

Tasmagambetov also noted that it would be helpful for all CSTO participants if Armenia's political leadership clarified the prospects for the country’s participation in the organization. 

Original Author: Olga Ibraeva

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