"Causes of Mine Incident Lie in Policies" —Maykainzoloto’s Former Employees Reach Out to Government Agencies

cover Press Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan

After the incident near the Maykainsky mine, village residents and former employees of JSC "Maykainzoloto" appealed to the state commission investigating the incident. The villagers are sure that the reasons for the incident are due to the plant’s policies and the management system, reports Orda.kz .

On January 4, at about 01:25 at JSC "Maykainzoloto" in the Pavlodar region, a bus with four passengers fell into an excavation zone. First responders found two bodies in the sand. There is no information about others to this day.

Maykain village Residents demand an objective investigation into the incident’s causes with the involvement of qualified specialists in the field of mining.

This tragedy has exposed the overall negative situation and the situation that has been accumulating at the mining and processing plant for years after the arrival of a foreign investor, Serbian citizen Milan Popovic. We firmly believe that the causes of the accident lie greatly in the policy and management system of the plant,  the appeal says.

Maykainzoloto JSC has been managed by investor Orynzhan Kabdolov for many years. Under his leadership, the development of the field was carried out with notable violations preceding the incident.

The accident that occurred is not coincidental, but the result of authoritarian management of a complex mining process in which Mr. Kabdolov does not understand anything. Ore extraction was carried out without placing a special solution for cavities of the blocks and chambers, as provided for in the Design documents. As a result, a large excavation zone was formed above the used blocks, which constantly collapsed and increased over the years and eventually collapsed from the surface at the time of the bus’s passage.

The residents believe that the inspections at the enterprise were carried out formally, and management disregarded feedback.

In recent years, Mr. Kabdolov, at the expense of the enterprise's work and the income and profits received, used everything for his own personal purposes and stopped genuinely monitoring and controlling the production process, letting everything to chance. We fear that Mr. Kabdolov in this situation will point out those responsible for this incident, just to absolve himself of responsibility for people’s deaths. 

The villagers demanded that government agencies conduct a comprehensive investigation into all production activities of Maykainzoloto to prevent further incidents.

Original Author: Silam Aqbota

DISCLAIMER: This is a translated piece. The text has been modified, the content is the same. Please refer to the original article in Russian for accuracy.