Kulsary: Protest Continues

cover Orda

On May 20, The protest had been going on for the sixth day in the flooded city of Kulsary, Atyrau region. Residents are still spending the night in tents in front of the Akimat. Yesterday, a woman started to feel unwell, an Orda correspondent reports.

Residents continue to demand 400 thousand tenge per square meter of the affected housing. However, the regional Akim, Serik Shapkenov, and the Jylyoy district Akim,  Zhumabek Karazhanov, have firmly stated that the residents' demands would not be met. Residents responded that they would not leave the square until they received compensation.

At night, people, including schoolchildren and the elderly, remain in the square. They play the dombra and sing folk terme so that officials hear.

"Our ancestors, with the help of jyr and kuy, conveyed their demands to rulers, and they listened to them. But the current government doesn't really listen to us,"  says a protester.
Photo: orda.kz

A woman in the square started to feel unwell yesterday. An ambulance was called. Residents claim the police did not let the ambulance through to the square for a long time. The woman was taken to the hospital, as her blood pressure rose and she lost consciousness.

We have been standing on the square for the sixth day, that's why she fell unconscious. An ambulance took her away, says a woman.

Problems with the Internet and communication services persist in the area. In the district Telegram chat, residents demand the issue be resolved, but no one responds. There is a similar problem in the city of Atyrau.

Residents have also spoken out against local bloggers. The bloggers did not come to the square. Residents believe the bloggers work with the Akimat.

"We have several bloggers in the area who have half a million subscribers. They could go live and show how their fellow townspeople are suffering. But they did not come, as they are under the control of the Akimat, says a protester.

Meanwhile, local bloggers began posting videos on social networks. One claims an acquaintance received 37 million tenge and should be grateful. Another blogger also posted videos with similar stories.

The protest continues.

Original Author: Daniel Arturov

DISCLAIMER: This is a translated piece. The text has been modified, the content is the same. Please refer to the original piece in Russian for accuracy. The original article was posted on 20/05/24.